This page provides an overview of publications by the CEDITRAA team and its members.

Forthcoming CEDITRAA volume by meson press

Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz (eds.) (in press). Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Lüneburg: meson press. In this volume, we gather insights from several CEDITRAA researchers to explore the...

CEDITRAA Special Issue on Dis/Ordering Distribution to be published with RSO

Vinzenz Hediger, Matthias Krings & Cornelia Storz (eds.) (forthcoming 2024). Dis/Ordering Distribution: Thinking about the Productive Force of Infrastructures, Formats and Regulations, Special Issue in: Research on the Sociology of Organisations. Emerald Publishing. Distribution, often overlooked as the mundane aspect...

CEDITRAA Special Issue on Soft Power and Digital Nation Branding

Egbert Amoncio, Sonia Campanini, Bertram Lang, Tom Simmert (eds.)(forthcoming 2024). De/Centering “Soft Power”: How Cultural Industries and Policies Interact in Digital Nation Branding (working title). Special Issue in: Research on the Sociology of Organisations. . Emerald Publishing. Following up on...


Adler, Tabitha. ‘The Korean Idol Industry: Nation Branding and Cultural Hybridization’. In: Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Eds. Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz. Lüneburg: meson press (forthcoming).

Ahn, Yonson (ed.).2023. Korea and the Global Society: Engagement, Reciprocity, and Tension, London: Routledge.

Ahn, Yonson. 2022.“‘Unending Journeys’: Migration Trajectories of Korean Im/migrants in South Africa”, Korea Journal, vol. 62, no. 4 (Winter 2022): 137-170. 

Ahn, Yonson & Jihye Kim. 2022.“Korean Migration in the Global South: Contextualizing Migration Trajectories and Complexities”, Korea Journal, vol. 62, no. 4 (Winter 2022): 5-17.

Amoncio, Egbert (forthcoming). “AI for Detecting Weak Patents”. Research Policy.

Amoncio, Egbert (forthcoming). “When Patent Policies Harm Performance: Multiple Work-related Identity Conflict”. Organization Science.

Campanini, Sonia (forthcoming). ‘Remaking Video Nollywood in the Digital Era: Distributed Productivities Between Entrepreneurship and Heritage’. In: Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Eds. Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz. Lüneburg: meson press (forthcoming).

Campanini, Sonia (forthcoming) ‘Digital Presentation of African Colonial Film Cultures, Institutional Platforms and Restitution Politics.’ Immagine. Note di Storia del Cinema no. 27, Afriche di Celluloide. Produzioni, circolazione, pratiche di archiviazione e di riuso. Eds. Valentina Fusari, Gianmarco Mancosu, Micaela Veronesi.

Campanini, Sonia. 2023. ‘Nollywood’s Remaking Practices and Networks of Circulation’. In: And Yet it Moves. On Cinema, Media and Mobility. Eds. Simona Schneider, Andrea Mariani. Milano-Udine: Mimesis 2023, 87-95.

Campanini, Sonia. 2023. ‘Accidental Encounters, Incidental Care, and Shared Archival Practices’. In: Accidental Archivism: Shaping Cinema’s Futures with Remnants of the Past. Eds. Vinzenz Heidger, Stefanie Schulte Strathaus. Lüneburg: Meson Press.

Caspar, Steven, Marcela Miozzo & Cornelia Storz (forthcoming). "The Emergence of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The Interplay between Early Entrepreneurial Activity and Public Policy in the Korean Online Gaming Industry", Industry & Innovation (accepted for publication).

Chistinean, Casandra-Angela & Yonson Ahn (forthcoming). „From TV to Online Platform Storytelling: Career Women in Korean Dramas”. In: Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Eds. Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz. Lüneburg: meson press (forthcoming).

Chistinean, Casandra (forthcoming). “Reflecting South Korean Career Women: Film Analysis Approach to uncovering Social Constructs”. Situations: Cutural Studies in the Asian Context.

Dorsch, Hauke, Tom Simmert & Markus Verne. 2023. Beyond the Dichotomy: Musical Relations between Africa and the West during the 1980s. Working Paper.

Hediger, Vinzenz. 2022. From Miasma Theory to Digital Ghost Town. Tales of Infrastructure and Social Politics in the Twenty-First-Century Megalopolis. In: Technology, Urban Space and the Networked Community. Eds. Ananya Roy Pratihar, Saswat Das. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 217-242.

Hediger, Vinzenz. 2023. Das Kapital der Medien. Zur Vermittlung von Produktion und Zirkulation durch das Format am Beispiel des Films. In: Stefan Udelhofen, Dennis Göttel, Aycha Riff (Eds.) Produktionskulturen audiovisueller Medien. Wiesbaden: Springer, 107-142.

Hediger, Vinzenz. 2023. Digital Scavengers and the Limits of the Archive. Excavating Lagos on the Internet. In Vinzenz Hediger & Stefanie Schulte Strathaus (Eds.) Accidental Archivism. Shaping Cinema’s Futures with Remnants of the Past. Lüneburg: meson press.

Jeduah, Bakar Abdul-Rashid & Tom Simmert. 2023. Debating the Ethics of Ownership and Appropriation in Global Digital Afrobeats Culture. Working Paper.

Jeduah, Bakar Abdul-Rashid & Tom Simmert. 2023. Afrobeats on TikTok: Unraveling the Success of CKay's "Love Nwantiti". Working Paper.

Krings, Matthias & Solomon Waliaula. Korean film and popular arts in Kenya: the oral remaking of Fabricated City by DJ Afro. In: Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Eds. Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz. Lüneburg: meson press (forthcoming).

Nassenstein, Nico & Carter Omende. “Langila and its use in social media: A corpus-based approach to creativity and innovation“ In: Nassenstein, Nico (Hg.), Current topics in the study of Lingala/Sujets d’actualité dans l’étude du Lingala [Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 46]. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag (forthcoming).

Nassenstein, Nico. “Venezuela hawaii, chelsea!” – Creative onomastic references and playful branding in Langila from the Congo. International Journal of Language and Culture. (submitted)

Nassenstein, Nico & Janika Kunzmann.Eds. Lingala: Sujets d’Actualité / Current Topics. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. (submitted)

Nwankwọ, Izuu (ed.). 2022. Stand-up Comedy in Africa: Humour in Popular Languages and Media. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag.

Nwankwọ, Izuu.  2022. “Ambivalence in the Stand-up Acts of Nigeria’s Mr Paul and Klint da Drunk.” JALA: Journal of African Literature Association, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 332-347,

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2022. “Self-censorship and Shifting Cognitions of Offence in the Stand-up Acts of Basket Mouth and Trevor Noah.” Journal of African Cultural Studies, vol. 34, no. 2, 129-142,

Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2022. “Introduction – Old Wine in a New Bottle: Stand-up Comedy and Its Dispersal across Africa.” Stand-up Comedy in Africa: Humour in Popular Languages and Media. Ed. I. Nwankwọ, 11-42. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag.

Tunca, D., Nwankwọ, Izuu. 2022. “Confronting Racism in Cécile Djunga and Trevor Noah’s Stand-up Comedy.” Stand-up Comedy in Africa: Humour in Popular Languages and Media. Ed. I. Nwankwọ, 45-66. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag,

Röschenthaler, Ute. 2022. African Agency in China’s Tea Trade: Commercial Networks, Brand Creation and Intellectual Property. Leiden: Brill.

Röschenthaler, Ute. 2023. Chinese-manufactured commodities and African agency in the democratization of consumption: the example of electronic devices in Cameroon. Critical African Studies 15, 1: 53-72 (special issue “Chinese goods in Africa”, hg. Von Guive Khan-Mohammad and Antoine Kernen).

Röschenthaler, Ute.2023 (in press). “Intellectual Property and the Judicialisation of Cultural Production: An Anthropological Perspective”. DADA: Revista di Antropologia Globale, Dezember (Special Issue on Anthropology of Law).

Röschenthaler, Ute (forthcoming) „Streaming platforms and the music industry crisis in Cameroon” für einen Special Issue “Pop music production and regulation online in Africa and beyond”. Eds. Alexander Peukert and Ute Röschenthaler. Legal Anthropology.

Alexander Peukert & Ute Röschenthaler (forthcoming). “Introduction: Pop music production and regulation online in Africa and beyond” Legal anthropology (Special Issue “Pop music production and regulation online in Africa and beyond” (hg. von Alexander Peukert und Ute Röschenthaler).

Röschenthaler, Ute & Wale Adedeji (forthcoming).“Streaming services as brokers in the music industry crisis in Nigeria”. Special Issue. Eds. Nadeeka Arambewela-Colley, Birgit Bräuchler und Kathrin Knodel, Cultural Studies.

Simmert, Tom. 'Sounds from the “Center of Excellence”: Nigerian Afrobeats and the distributed productivities of global platforms'. In: Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Eds. Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz. Lüneburg: meson press (forthcoming).

Storz, Cornelia & Na Zou. 2023. ‘Why do some entrepreneurs thrive? A network content perspective’. Journal of Business Research 161: 113821.

Storz, Cornelia , Tobias ten Brink, & Na Zou.2022. Innovation in emerging economies: How do university-industry linkages and public procurement matter for small businesses?. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 39: 1439–1480.

Storz, Cornelia , Steven Casper & Marcela Miozzo (forthcoming). ‘Digital creatives and digital engineers: Industry identity, digital technologies and product concept and development principles’. Socio-Economic Review (accepted for publication).

Storz, Cornelia, Egbert Amoncio & Tian Chan. 2023. ‘Computer Vision Approaches for Visual Analysis: Building Insights from a New Measure of Product Design Visual Similarity’. Working Paper.

Storz, Cornelia & Thanos Fragkandreas. 2023.‘Striking the Golden Mean - Identity Consistency and Innovation in the German Games Industry’. Working Paper.

Storz, Cornelia, Egbert Amoncio, & Rajesh Ramachandran. 2023.Digital Marketplaces and Entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Impact on Market Access and Performance’. Working Paper.