Forthcoming CEDITRAA volume by meson press

Hediger, Vinzenz, Matthias Krings, Bertram Lang, Cornelia Storz (eds.) (in press). Distributed Productivities: Digital Transcreation and the New World Order of Cultural Production. Lüneburg: meson press.
In this volume, we gather insights from several CEDITRAA researchers to explore the evolving landscape of cultural production in the digital age, with a specific focus on the concept of “digital transcreation”. Contributions discuss the shifting dynamics of cultural production in the 21st century, with megacities like Lagos, Istanbul, Mumbai, and Seoul emerging as cultural powerhouses alongside traditional hubs like Paris and New York. Digital technologies have enabled the widespread circulation and appropriation of cultural products, leading to new audiences and collaborative modes of production. The concept of “digital transcreation”, which we borrow from translation studies, emphasizes the role of digital technologies in adapting and recombining cultural materials from diverse origins. This concept challenges traditional notions of cultural specificity tied to geographic location, highlighting the dynamic and collective nature of cultural entrepreneurship in the digital era. The volume’s multidimensional approach combines perspectives from creative and cultural industries, digital infrastructures, and the study of formats and aesthetics. It explores the transformation of cultural spaces and the emergence of new forms of collective creativity, or “distributed productivities.”