Prof. Dr. Ute Röschenthaler
CEDITRAA Working Area B,
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Ute Röschenthaler is extracurricular professor at the department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Her main research areas include economic anthropology, intellectual property, trade networks, media and cultural mobility, with a regional focus on West and Central Africa and Africans in Asian countries. More recently, she worked on brand piracy and African agency in the trade between China and West Africa, and product mobility in the Global South.
Ute Röschenthaler primarily contributes to the work in Working Area A: Forms, Formats and Contents, in Working Area B: Legal and Institutional Frameworks, and in Project 2.2 on Legal Instruments of Cultural Practice and Digital Transformation.
“It is a wonderful experience to work in such a collaborative project as CEDITRAA and discover the various ways in which African cultural entrepreneurs establish innovative productive fields and develop creative solutions when they, for example, deal with intellectual property and music piracy. I find it fascinating to observe how digital technology has enabled African cultural actors to embark in global connectivity using the technology as a window of opportunity. Digital technology connects Africans at home with their diaspora groups and amplifies the global dissemination of music and video. I was surprised to encounter Nigerian music events in such faraway places as Guangzhou and Kuala Lumpur.”