Mirjam Tröster
Senior Lecturer,
Goethe University Frankfurt
Mirjam Tröster is a sinologist. She is currently senior lecturer at the Department of Sinology at Goethe University Frankfurt and coordinator of the interdisciplinary M.A. programme Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS). Her research focusses on performance cultures, especially Taiwanese theatre and film, mobility and translocality, cultural networks, and literature. In her PhD she investigated theatre productions from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau touring China. She is currently interested in Taiwanese cinema and its engagement with K-film.
Mirjam Tröster primarily contributes to the work in Working Area A: Forms, Formats and Contents, in Working Area D: Regional and Transregional Circulation(s) and in Project 1.4 on South Korean Cinema and Taiwan.
“Ambiguities inherent in translocal mobility have spurred my curiosity for many years. As much as the multifaceted developments in Taiwan cinema, the twists and turns in the responses to the Korean Wave in Taiwan and beyond have thus immediately caught my attention.
Having worked on translocal networks across the Taiwan Strait, I am eager to expand the regional scope of my research to include further regions in East Asia. What is more, I really appreciate the comparative approach of CEDITRAA with its focus on both Korea and Nigeria, providing me with some insights and perspectives beyond the region I am most familiar with.”