CEDITRAA fellow Dr. Patrick Oloko at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Dr. Patrick Oloko is the first CEDITRAA fellow at the department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Oloko is a well-known scholar of Literature and Cultural Studies at the department of English, University of Lagos, Nigeria.
For the duration of one month, he works on new expressions of popular culture that Nollywood has sparked off in Nigeria. During his stay in Germany, he actively participates in two panels convened by CEDITRAA members at the biannual VAD (Verein der AfrikanistenDeutschlands) conference, at Freiburg, and presents his work in the weekly seminar series of the department of Anthropology and African Studies, on 28 June 2022. In this talk he features how themes of Nollywood are increasingly represented in Nigerian print literature and have contributed to the emerging genre of the “Nolly Novel” (for more details have a look at the presentation abstract).
Oloko also greatly enhanced the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding between University of Lagos and Johannes Gutenberg University that will facilitate cooperation between both universities and broaden the scope of the CEDITRAA project. There are plans for the near future to co-supervise doctoral students and organise a joint conference on African cultural industries and digital transformation at University of Lagos in 2023.
[Image taken by Matthias Krings: Patrick Oloko with three Kenyan colleagues in front of the bust of Johannes Gutenberg, at the university campus, Mainz. From left to right: Dr. Patrick Oloko, Dr. James Ogone, Dr. Fredrick Mbogo and Dr. Solomon Waliaula.]