CEDITRAA Panel at International Film and Media Studies Conference
This year we are represented with a panel at the XXVIII International Film and Media Studies Conference, “And Yet It Moves! On Cinema, Media, and Mobility”, November 2 – 5 2021, held hybrid as a hybrid event online as well as at Udine – Gorizia (Italy). [LINK ZUR KONFERENZ: https://filmforumfestival.it/conference/and-yet-it-moves-on-cinema-media-and-mobility ]
Our panel (on November 3) features an introduction to CEDITRAA by Vinzenz Hediger as well as presentations by Sonia Campanini and Tom Simmert about their ongoing research projects:
Sonia Campanini: “Networks of Circulations: Nigerian film cultures on the Move, Back and Forth (or Maybe in between)”
Tom Simmert: „TikTok as an ethnographic fieldsite“
[LINK zum klicken für beide Vortragstitel: https://ff2021.filmforumfestival.it/panel/ceditraa-panel ]